TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Last month, 100 dogs who had been living in crowded and filthy conditions were seized from a Clewiston, Florida puppy mill. On Monday, some of those dogs arrived in Tampa for a new start at life.
The disturbing photos released by the ASPCA shortly after the November puppy mill bust showed multiple dogs in cages, some appeared dirty and listless, others appeared starved for attention.
The dogs looked much different after their arrival in the Tampa Bay area on Monday morning. They appeared happier and well cared for.
“We have people that come in and evaluate the dogs and see what kind of behavior needs they might have, so we get them all ready, giving them vaccines if they have had ongoing medical needs that they are receiving care and attention for that,” said Marni Nofi with the ASPCA.
The Humane Society of Tampa Bay will try to find some of the dogs a permanent home here in the Tampa Bay area.
“We are excited about the timing of this, because we would like nothing more than to put these poor babies who were mistreated so terribly in the beginning into new homes for Christmas,” said Pam Backer with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay.
Once the dogs are given the once over by the Humane Society vets, they should be available for adoption.
A variety of breeds and sizes of dogs were removed from the south Florida location, including a mother and her three pups.
“In all, the Humane Society of Tampa Bay picked up eleven dogs that it hopes to have placed by the end of the week.
If you’re interested in adopting one of them, you can contact the Humane Society of Tampa Bay at (813) 876-7138.