Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dog and Rescued Baby Deer

Rescued Baby Deer Grows Up With Dogs | This baby deer was found missing one of his legs and could barely walk. But a nurse at a vet clinic brought Rudie home — where her dogs took him in and taught him how to play just like a pup. Today on Odd Couples, watch the pups help Rudie grow up into a playful, strong, happy deer who spreads pure joy everywhere he goes. What did you think?

Friday, November 10, 2017

Dog Tales Presents Swiss Puppy Peacemaker

Blessed are the Peacemakers: Here’s Pepper

Except from Dog Tales by Teresa J. Herbic 

I’m Pepper, a mini Swiss Mountain pup! I am a tiny black puppy with some white on my face and body. Born in a small Lathrop neighborhood, my ancestors came from Switzerland. Many of my descendants happened to be farm dogs. The first of my breed journeyed to America in the late 1960s.

I’m the runt of a fuzzy pile of newborn Swiss pups known as Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, the smallest of the Swiss Mountain breeds, weighing in at one mighty pound. Not much bigger than a human hand, I would imagine. People tell me that I may grow to be about 16 inches tall.

Did you know that Swiss Mountain dogs can have seven to eight pups in a litter? La Corumba! That’s a heaping heavy pile!
My birth mom had eight of us so it tipped the scale. Showing unrivaled spirit, as the last in the heap, I rose to the top to meet my new family. Although, my mom and dad already had a dog named Rusty, they couldn’t resist adopting me, anyway. They chose me out of the gate so to speak. They said I was a keeper. Although tiny and wobbly, I offered them bounds of entertainment. They giggled as they watched me try to stand on my own two feet for the first time. Although I hesitated initially, I soon learned how to take a proper stance. I loved the attention!

My job if I were a farm girl would be to serve as a cattle dog. Because I’m not equipped for the mission, I found myself managing city life. Our family had a single home, a shed out back and a play hut on the north end of the property. A small creek existed for discovering and for taking nature baths. Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs love children, cats and other animals as long as they are friendly. I especially adored my new brothers Ray and Rusty, sisters Teresa and Puff Ball, and neighbors the Buckridge family. They welcomed me with open arms.

At only a month old, I doubled in size. However, still pint size. I publicized my massive vocal cords with a little howling and yodeling. It felt like the opening act at the Sydney Opera House with a real musical call to the wild. You know this Opera House did a performance for canines and their humans? That’s right they did a special concert tailored for dogs and their parents. The event only lasted 20 minutes. They say dogs have short attention spans. I’m just guessing they just don’t want their ears blown out either!

Determined to play, listen to occasional performances and enjoy life’s offerings, I also required a lot of down time because newborn puppies as you may know sleep up to 15 hours a day. Now, that’s a real snooze fest, friends! Talking about your beauty rest!