Monday, July 19, 2021

No God No Peace, Know God Know Peace


No God No Peace, Know God Know Peace

Operating in powerful truth and stability, right decision-making, and choices :-) Here's a great message that addresses a cure for the cause of unrest and missteps in business and in life.

Dog Adoption Stories


So very happy this puppy got adopted as a part of a KCLive television show that helped to launch my "Dog Tales" book.

This doggy is named Dustin Hoffman. After the star, maybe? But this pup has his own precious personality. He is older, yes, but very sweet and still hyper. As I appeared as a guest of Joel Nichols' morning television program, I had this "guest" join me as an adoptable doggy.

I learned soon after, he was indeed adopted. I'm so very happy to know this news. That's what it's all about, love and adoption!

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Adopt a Pet



Adopt a Pet - How can you resist?

Want to adopt a pet, please do it now @